SEO Agency

Get found on Google – it’s where your potential customers are searching for you!

SEO with OnBrand.

As an established SEO (search engine optimisation) agency based in St Albans, Hertfordshire our search marketeers use best practice and latest knowledge to raise your website’s visibility on search engines like Google. We plan out how your potential customers will find you in the organic listings when searching and then drive them to your website.

We will work with you to devise a SEO strategy and plan based on a commercial understanding of your business. It’s what sets us apart from other agencies. Our strategic experts get under the skin of your business.

We utilise the very latest tools, techniques and best practice all to ensure our SEO work drives you more and relevant traffic.

SEO Strategy.

Our SEO strategy will focus on creating content that your target audience is searching for and that is relevant to what your business is offering. Your website will be organised by a content map which will serve to create content based on a potential customers needs at any particular point in time and that will guide them through the sales funnel.

Searches happen every second whereby people are looking for information, investigating options, are ready to purchase. An SEO strategy needs to be sensitive and embracing of the nature of the search and the stage of the buying journey a potential customer is at.

The other element to an SEO strategy is the technical piece which will prioritise all the behind the scenes improvements that need to be made so a website is optimised in the best way possible for SEO. It’s no where near enough to simply have a sound SEO content strategy. Technical SEO is paramount to Google respecting your website!

I need SEO strategy!

SEO Audit.

We use a variety of tools from screaming frog to Semrush, Moz, ahrefs and Google search console to undertake a thorough audit of your website to establish
• what your website is ranking for and in what position.
• what technical errors and fixes need to be made in what priority
• opportunities of keywords and longtail phrases

Research Services.

Each page on your website needs to be assigned a keyword. The keyword selected must be commercially and strategically led. This involves an in-depth keyword research and analysis exercise to determine the most suitable keyword for a page based on user intent, difficulty of ranking for that keyword and the competitiveness of that keyword.

We work with you to build a complete keyword map for your entire website that will realistically give you the best chance of improving your visibility on Google.

Find out more about our keyword research servicesKeyword Research Services.

Technical SEO.

Our technical SEO experts will ensure that your website is technically sound from an SEO perspective. This involves reviewing a comprehensive SEO checklist and includes things like; site structure, crawlability, indexability, mobile friendliness, site performance and site speed, broken links, image compression, duplicate content and so on.

On-Page SEO.

Optimising the content that sits on any given page gives it the best chance of ranking for your desired keyword. We review each page of content to ensure that the content itself and in the source code is optimised.

This is where things like title tags, meta descriptions, image optimisations, schema mark ups and internal links all play their part!

Get in touch.

Ready to take your marketing to the next level? Look no further! Our team of creative experts are dedicated to helping your business stand out.

Whether you need help with digital marketing, social media management, branding, web development, paid media, SEO or content creation, we’ve got you covered. With a tailored approach to each client, we ensure that your brand’s unique voice is heard loud and clear.

    Case Study.

    Mama Bamboo tasked us with creating content that would increase the awareness of its eco-friendly nappy products, made from sustainable bamboo. We devised a strategy that got them noticed and connecting with new and existing customers through disruptive and engaging content resulting in a 90% increase in revenue.

    Increase in Revenue
    Increase in Transactions
    17% Higher
    Order Value

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