Our History.

OnBrand grew out of another agency, started by our M.D., Daniel Graham back in 2001, which worked in the niche sector of audio and sensory marketing. This experience defined his continued interest in consumer psychology, shopper marketing and how effective marketing could influence behaviour at points of purchase.

Our Airoamer product, well ahead of its time, first explored how consumer behaviour could be influenced by people’s senses. Pumping the smell of coffee into Premier Lodges to increase breakfast sales by 4,000% was the type of “outside the box” thinking that led to overwhelming results.

As ‘Brand Audio Ltd’ we successfully developed a methodology to improve operational efficiency, reduce customer friction and costs whilst improving customer journeys in contact centres and where callers are placed in telephony queues. Not only do we design the experiences and customer journey, but with our proprietary scheduling software we helped deliver the right message at the right time to callers, increasing retention, conversion and customer satisfaction.

From this experience in audio marketing, we adapted the technology and created Centre Radio, the UK’s leading shopper marketing instore radio proposition which improved communications, ambience and public perceptions across over 200 shopping centres, increasing dwell time and footfall, creating a positive shopper experience, and leading shoppers to spend more and stay longer. This service still operates in approx 200 centres helping them communicate their facilities, promotional, season and operational messages.

We continued that tradition of innovation by fixing another gap in the shopper experience, this time in shopping centre website and social media experiences, by creating a content channel of retailer promotions and offers. Our Offers service showcases retailers’ best deals and promotions in a way that’s crafted to increase shopper engagement and save our clients money, minutes and manpower.

Since then, we’ve embraced the skills of a full service marketing agency, including events, PR, SEO, Organic and Paid social media, content marketing, lead generation, branding, and websites.

In 2009, we consolidated the businesses into a one company, rebranding in 2015 to become OnBrand Group Ltd, or OnBrand as we are more commonly known.