The Association of Royal Navy Officers (ARNO) increases website traffic by 761%.

With brand awareness and engagement campaigns resulting in new members, increase online shop sales and charitable donations

The Results.

increase in LinkedIn followers in 90 days
post reactions on Facebook ads
likes on Facebook ads

Association of Royal Navy Officers & The Royal Navy Officers Charity.

The Association of Royal Navy Officers (ARNO) is a flourishing 5,000-strong membership organisation for all Royal Navy, Royal Marines and QARNNS officers alongside their Maritime Reserve counterparts. Officers from the RFA, WRNS, RNVR and SCC are also welcome.  It exists to provide a range of benefits to its members.

The Royal Navy Officers’ Charity (RNOC) have supported officers and their families since 1739

The Challenge.

ARNO/RNOC approached OnBrand because it wanted help with • Attracting new ARNO members • Increasing donations to RNOC • Increasing online shop sales • Brand awareness

Paid Social
Google Analytics Reporting

The Solution.

We worked with ARNO on their brand messaging identifying the powerful benefits they offer and using their existing clear and simple messaging on other channels.

We devised campaigns with strong clear content messaging and content pillars focused around: JOIN, SUPPORT, BENEFIT, DONATE

Advised ARNO/RNOC on the benefits of paid social media to reach new audiences and developed a clear target audience strategy for each platform

Set up Google Analytics / GA4 property and associated tracking, goals and reports in order to provide transparency in reporting

Developed a highly targeted social media strategy across 2 core platforms LinkedIn and Facebook and to 2 core target audiences.

Created a range of paid social media ads including single image and video ads to build awareness and attract both new ARNO members and RNOC donations

Devising timely campaigns for Remembrance Day to drive interest about the work the Royal Navy Officers charity do to support serving and retired officers.


The clients words.