
How to do retargeting on LinkedIn.

Published by Sarah Warren

Use LinkedIn’s Audience Creator to get in front of YOUR target audience more than once!

Firstly, lets quickly cover off what is meant by retargeting in this context. It’s the technique of placing an online ad in front of someone who has already had an interaction with your website, LinkedIn company profile page or previously run LinkedIn ads before.


Single Image Ad.

Video Ad.

Video Ad

Lead Gen Ad.

Lead Gen Ad

LinkedIn Company Profile.

LinkedIn Company Profile

This is highly useful and should form part of any paid ads strategy as it allows you to create opportunities to have multiple touchpoints with a potential customer.  And as the magic number of customer touchpoints that is required before you turn a prospect into a paying customer is 8 (although this will vary from industry to industry and business to business but 8 is the number that a lot of research based articles seem to agree on as the average). So making use of retargeting on platforms like LinkedIn is a no brainer.

A customer touchpoint is simply any interaction a prospect has had with your business this might be a visit to your website, seeing a social media post, receiving an email from you, using your online chat facility etc etc.  To learn more about customer touchpoints read our article about optimising your customer journey.


Retargeting on LinkedIn using matched audiences.

So….let me show you how to warm up your target audience further and get in an another interaction with them whilst on their customer journey by making use of LinkedIn Matched Audiences these are audiences that can be created that allow you to retarget people who have previously had some of interaction with one of your LinkedIn ads or LinkedIn Company page.  There are a variety of options Retargeting Options available:

  • People who have visited your LinkedIn Company Page
  • Those who had RSVP’d to one of your LinkedIn Events
  • People who interacted with one your lead generation forms, single image ads or video ads
  • It is of course possible to retarget people who have previously visited your company website but this requires the installation of the LinkedIn Insight Tag (so that’s an article for another day!)

How to do retargeting on LinkedIn: The Steps.

Create a LinkedIn Matched Audience.

Login to your LinkedIn Campaign Manager.

Click on Plan in the right hand side menu and then on Audiences.

LinkedIn Create Audiences Example

Hit Create audience and then select the audience you to retarget by from the list of options.

LinkedIn Create Matched Audience Example

I have selected Single Image for this example. A window of information then needs to be filled in.


Once your audience has been created the size of the audience will begin to build and then you’ll be able to use it as part of how you target your audience for a new set of ads.


Time for a review of your LinkedIn ads?

If you need help to improve your current paid social activity get in touch.

Sarah Warren

Digital Account Director